Must Read articles

Innovation Accounting
Innovation Accounting framework, what is it? and who is it for?

Today we will be talking about the “innovation accounting framework” that Esther and Dan introduced in their book Innovation Accounting. Things like employee’s skills and culture (that are intangible) are becoming more and more important for companies their in-market success. Organizations are more reliant on innovation to drive profit than ever before. A new, non-financial, […]

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Innovation Ecosystem
The 5 conditions for professionalizing innovation

If you want to allow innovation to blossom in your company, you need a separate corprate governance system to support it. This will allow you to search for new business models in a company that is designed to be a high-performing way of executing what you already do, and which is structurally adverse to anything […]

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Measuring Innovation Portfolio
The 3 Innovation KPIs to get started with innovation accounting

How to start with innovation accounting? We start with measuring the following three innovation KPIs from corporate startups.

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Innovation Ecosystem
The innovation management matrix explained

Setting up a dedicated management system for startup innovation is something that can be only done if there is a clear way of deciding what is what. Ultimately this is one of the necessary steps in professionalising innovation within your company.

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Innovation Ecosystem
An executive summary of The Corporate Startup

The best way to innovate is for a large company to view itself as an innovation ecosystem. Because of its core business, an established company cannot be as flexible as a startup, which can focus itself on creating one single product. Instead, established companies need to increase their innovation capabilities from within, without endangering their […]

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Innovation Ecosystem
The 24-month journey to product/market fit

How long does it usually take to go through all four phases and what type of investment fits every stage?

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Lean Innovation
What is Validated Learning, and how to apply it?

Startups don’t exist to make stuff, money, or serve customers. They exist to learn how to build a sustainable business. This is what Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup said. But what does it mean to learn how to build a sustainable business? In this blog, we explain what Validated Learning is, and how […]

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Lean Startup
An introduction to Lean Startup: How it all started

The Lean Startup, Running lean, The four steps to epiphany, we have all read the books. We use the Business Model Canvas and build MVP’s. The Lean Startup methodology has become very popular not only within the startup industry worldwide, but also amongst companies that want to enable innovation and change. Allocating time and money […]

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Measuring Innovation Teams
An introduction to startup analytics

One of the most requested topics when mentoring startups are analytics. Startup founders know that they have to measure things and that analytics are the solution, but not a lot of people know how to actually apply it. The problem is that even after reading the books (like Lean Analytics, which I can highly recommend), it is still hard to apply to your own startup.

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