Der Corporate Startup
Wie etablierte Unternehmen erfolgreiche Innovations-Ökosysteme entwickeln können
Gewinner des Golden Axiom Business Book Award 2019 und des Management Book of the Year Award 2018.
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der Innovation unerlässlich ist. Es ist unbestritten, dass sich die Welt um uns herum verändert. Technologie und Software haben das Geschäft verändert und tun dies auch weiterhin, und das auf immer dramatischere Weise. Unternehmensführung müsste eine besondere Ignoranz aufweisen ,,um nicht zu erkennen, wie sich diese Veränderungen auf ihre zukünftigen Geschäfte auswirken. Den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken, ist keine Option mehr. Unternehmer müssen reagieren. Innovation kann nicht mehr als Nebensache angesehen werden. Innovation ist der Weg, um im 21. Jahrhundert Geschäfte zu machen und stellt einen wichtiger Motor für nachhaltiges Wachstum dar.

“Big companies need to innovate or die. The question is how. Companies need a playbook; a process by which they can start the process of transforming their organizations into innovation engines. The Corporate Startup is that playbook. It provides a proven methodology — applying Lean Startup principles and more — for building a culture of innovation.”
— Ben Yoskovitz, Co-Author of Lean Analytics and Founding Partner at Highline BETA.
“In this wonderful book, we have found frameworks and methods that are extremely relevant and helpful in our efforts to structure our open innovation. We are beginning to use Corporate Startup tools and methods to better qualify investment decisions, as well as secure continued board-level understanding and buy-in to the strategy.”
— Ole Madsen, Senior Vice President at Spar Nord Bank.
Über die Autoren

Esther Gons is CEO of GroundControl, helping corporates find new profitable business models while improving their core business at the same time. Esther is also author of Innovation Accounting and The NEXT Canvas. She has mentored hundreds of startups and still acts as an advisor for many of them. As an investor, she helps startups from a good idea to finding a working business model.
Dr. Tendayi Viki is the founder and principal consultant at Benneli Jacobs, a strategy and innovation consultancy firm that helps companies develop internal ecosystems so they can innovate like startups. He holds a PhD in Psychology and an MBA. He has worked as a consultant for several companies including Pearson, Standard Bank, The British Museum, The World Bank, General Electric and Whirlpool. He is also a Contributor at Forbes Magazine. Dr Viki co-designed and helped implement Pearson’s Product Lifecycle which is an innovation framework that won Best Innovation Program 2015 at the Corporate Entrepreneur Awards in New York.

Coming from an entrepreneurial background – having been involved with Hi-Tech & Internet start-ups across the world and being a entrepreneurship community leader in Europe – Dan Toma has a clear understanding of the challenges involved in building sustainable businesses from the ground up. In the years following his graduation from a top MBA program, he started focusing more on enterprise innovation management, specifically on how disruptive new ventures can be build in a corporate setting.