In the past 12 years, we have helped and invested in hundreds of startups and helped professionalize dozens of corporate innovation labs. We are very proud of our work at DHL, Schiphol, ABN Amro, and Sony, to name a few. We’ve created the NEXT Canvas to help (corporate) startups focus on their most risky assumptions and started using our innovation sprints to make innovation work. Esther wrote The Corporate Startup and we took a deep dive into how Innovation Accounting could work for you.
Back in 2015, we started building a software platform to make our consultancy activities transparent and measurable. To be able to be better startup coaches, we needed to create a way to scale coaching activities. We were encountering the same challenges as you do today.
In early 2020 we decided to flip our business model. Instead of offering our consultancy services with a software platform on the side, we now fully focus on making GroundControl the platform to help innovation managers professionalize innovation.
All of our experience, all our lessons, and best practices we now combine in the GroundControl platform. Like to give it a try?